Adding Dick Sizes To Historical Strategy Game Introduces Some Complications Last updated on Steam September 7, This works with CK2. In the future, we will expand into Werewolf, Mage, Wraith, Changeling and Hunters. Read more about Mythos 2 - Historical Fantasy at Gameplay, Mod on A control mechanic, representing a werewolf's control over their. Thankfully, CKII offers some of the greatest Total Transformation Mods in the Paradox Stable. Mythos is a historical fantasy mod incorporating numerous features Eastern myths and legends in accordance with the time period of CK2. Mods that are of interest to World of Darkness fans Supernatural characters like Vampires, Werewolves and.

Vampires, Werewolves, Mages and Fae in the World of Darkness This base mod, however, does not require any CK2 DLC content.